HomeFTTH cost optimization

FTTH cost optimization

ITS-NetOptimus™ automatic FTTH network design

Automatic cost optimized network designs

Automatic FTTH network design with the Netoptimus software all levels, FTTH Software ITS
Automatic FTTH network design with the Netoptimus software all levels, FTTH Software ITS

Automatic network design of all levels

ITS-NetOptimus™ creates automatically the highest quality fiber optic / FTTH / FTTX designs, by using complex optimization algorithms within a user friendly graphical interface.

It will find the best:

  • Grouping of end-points,
  • Location of central points
  • (Cheapest) trench, aerial, cable, duct routes

Resulting in less total passive network costs (materials and installation).

ITS-NetOptimus™ is our automatic fiber optic / FTTH / FTTX network design, engineering & planning software that uses certain data-input to create cost optimized network designs.

All relevant design variations for an area are automatically cost calculated and listed with their respective detailed material & installation costs.

Any network design can be shown by selecting it from the list.

The best, most logical, network design is shown by default.

The software does not act as a black box: the FTTH network designer, network engineer has full control over the design process.

He / she can:

  • Select a certain to-be-designed area
  • Change cost parameters
  • Favor/block certain trails (trenches/ducts/road-crossings)
  • Dictate the software tool to use certain (existing) manipulation-point positions
  • Set network concept parameters etc.

The required data-input (optional trails/trench lines and building/FTU/MDU locations) is prepared easily dedicated tools.

ITS-NetOptimus™ is a very fast and very effective software tool.

The cost optimised network designs for urban and rural areas are automatically made in minutes instead of days.

With ITS-NetOptimus™ all possible relevant FTTH / FTTX network designs are made.

The complex optimization algorithms use the project installation and material costs parameters.

Our automatic design optimization parameters are:

  • Civil costs
  • Material costs
  • Installation costs

These parameters can be changed easily.

The software combines all cost parameters to create the best designs whether that�s because of less digging, less installation, less material costs, it will create the best combination of those.

All relevant designs for a selected area are shown as a list of results with quantities and costs.

The software creates network designs for multiple network levels and multiple network concepts.

All network design results can be shown directly on-line in Google Earth.

FTTH automatic design GoogleEarth view FTTH Software for fiber optic network projects
FTTH automatic design GoogleEarth view FTTH Software for fiber optic network projects

Direct output to: The ITS-Software Suite™ & AutoCAD (Map3D) & GoogleEarth & Excel.

The network can be directly imported into Autocad (Map3D) with layers, symbols, quantities etc.

ITS-NetOptimus™ offers substantial benefits in terms of reducing the design, engineering time and OSP, passive optical�network, building costs.